Python: class Printer

Python: class Printer

class Printer(object)

Methods defined here:

This method is deprecated - use print() instead.
x.__init__(...) initializes x; see x.__class__.__doc__ for signature
Prints selected pages.

Data and other attributes defined here:

__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
allPrinters = <attribute 'allPrinters' of 'Printer' objects>
List of installed printers -- read only
cmd = <attribute 'cmd' of 'Printer' objects>
Alternative Printer Command
color = <member 'color' of 'Printer' objects>
Print in color.
True - color -- Default
False - greyscale
copies = <member 'copies' of 'Printer' objects>
Number of copies
file = <attribute 'file' of 'Printer' objects>
Name of file to print into
mph = <member 'mph' of 'Printer' objects>
Mirror Pages Horizontal
False -- Default
mpv = <member 'mpv' of 'Printer' objects>
Mirror Pages Vertical
False -- Default
pages = <attribute 'pages' of 'Printer' objects>
List of pages to be printed
printer = <attribute 'printer' of 'Printer' objects>
Name of printer to use.
Default is 'File' for printing into file
pslevel = <member 'pslevel' of 'Printer' objects>
PostScript Level
Can be 1 or 2 or 3 -- Default is 3.
separation = <attribute 'separation' of 'Printer' objects>
Print separationl
'No' -- Default
Beware of misspelling because a check is not performed
ucr = <member 'ucr' of 'Printer' objects>
Apply Under Color Removal
True -- Default
useICC = <member 'useICC' of 'Printer' objects>
Use ICC Profile
False -- Default